Shortcut Icon for Run

You can put the Run... command found in the Start Menu on the desktop or anywhere else you want
1)Click on the Start Menu
2)Drag the Run... command to the desktop
3)You can then cut and paste it anywhere you like.I put it in my Quick launch toolbar, it saves you a mouse click and possibly a little time.

(Works only in XP style Start Menu not in the classic, and make sure "Enable dragging and dropping" is activated in Start Menu properties.)

Create a Fault Tolerant Boot Disk

Format a floppy in XPCopy ntldr, boot.ini, and to floppy. You will also need bootsect.dos if dual booting and ntbootdd.sys if using scsi.
This will boot XP if startup files are corrupt or if the first disk of a mirror goes bad and you need to boot to the second. It DOES NOT leave you at the command prompt.

Fun with a wheel mouse and IE

Are you interested in browing the internet the fastest way possible? Save time by using keyboard mouse shortcuts desiged for a wheel scroll mouse. Below are a few tips to help you naviagte the web faster

To change the size of the text using your wheel mouse:

Hold down the CTRL button on your keyboard
Scroll the wheel on your mouse up to decrease size of text
Scroll the wheel on your mouse down to increase the size of text

To use you mouse to navigate back and fourth between pages instead of the buttons:

Hold down the Shift button on your keyboard
Scroll the wheel on your mouse up to navigate forward one page
Scroll the wheen on your mouse down to navigate back one page

All of the above tips require a mouse with a scroll wheel

Clear temp files on IEclose

Internet Explorer includes some great security features. For this tweak I will talk about the feature that clear the temporary internet files each time you close internet explorer. This is a very useful feature since it saves disk space and also keeps the websites that you downloaded private. Lets say that you were doing some online banking. All of the HTML files would be downloaded to the temp internet files by default. Someone with few computer skills can then copy those files out of that directory and view them. That is why it is good to have those files cleared automatically.

1.Launch Internet Explorer.
2.Select the Tools from the menu bar.
3.Then select Internet Options... from the drop down menu.
4.Once the internet options has loaded click on the advanced tab.
5.Under security find where it says Empty Temporary internet files folder when browser is closed and check it.
6.Click OK

Make Any Windows Media Player skin Transparent with Nvidia nView Option

This is a little tiny tweak to allow any windows media player skin to become transparent. However, it is made possible with Nvidia. Nvidia has a nView option with some of the latest drivers. It is with this that one can make their windows and stuff transparent. When one right clicks a button in the toolbar you have a nView choice. You do not have this option for windwos media player unless you do this
1. Set your media player to Classic view.
2. Right click the windows media player button on your toolbar, choose nView and select transparent.
3. Change the skin again to your favorite.
4. The new skin should remain transparent unless you close WMP or reboot.
5. Enjoy

Keep high preformance and keep the GUI

To increase system performance and keep the GUI:
1.Right click my computer.
2.Click properties.
3.Click advanced.
4.Click settings (under performance).
5.Click Adjust for best performance.
Scroll to the bottom and check the last one “use visual styles on windows and buttons”.
NOTE: This will switch XP to Classic View

Disable Picture Viewer, but have thumbnails still work

There is a tweak for preventing the picture viewer from opening your pictures by typing "regsvr32 /u shimgvw.dll" at a command prompt. This works, except if you use it, then if you set a folder to thumbnail display mode, your thumbnails will not work.
If you want to disable the picture viewer but would still like to have your thumbnails, then change this in the registry:
It should be set to {e84fda7c-1d6a-45f6-b725-cb260c236066} by default... just erase its contents to disable the picture viewer.
Your thumbnails should still work. If you did do "regsvr32 /u shimgvw.dll" at the command prompt, you can undo it by going to the command prompt and typing "regsvr32 shimgvw.dll"

Classic Win2000 Search in XP

Open regedit and navigate to

Add a new string (REG_SZ) called "Use Search Asst" - set the value to "no" and you will have the classic win2000 search. You dont even have to reboot!

Easier Way of Right-Click to go to Command Prompt

Instead of going through the registry to add a context menu option for opening cmd.exe at any folder, just download the "CMD Line Here" Windows XP PowerToy...

Control Panel Run Shortcuts

The Run dialog gives you easy access to many different programs and options. To get to the Run dialog, click the Start button, then click Run. Type in the command and press Enter, to launch it. For example, type "control folders" (without the quotes) in the Run dialog and press ENTER. Here is a list of commands to use, and what they do:

control - Control Panel
control folders - Folder Options
control userpasswords - User Accounts
control userpasswords2 - Advanced User Accounts
control desktop - Display Properties
control printers - Printers and Faxes
control mouse - Mouse Properties
control keyboard - Keyboard Properties
control netconnections - Network Connections
control color - Display Properties \ Screensaver
control date/time - Date and Time Properties
control schedtasks - Scheduled Tasks
control admintools - Administrative Tools
control telephony - Phone and Modem Options
control fonts - Fonts Folder
control international - Regional and Language

Fast Shutdown and/or Restart From Quick Launch Buttons

This tip will enable you to create buttons in your quick launch toolbar to quickly and easily shut down and/or restart your computer.

1.Right click on your desktop, scroll to new..... shortcut
2.In the location line, for shutdown type; shutdown -s -t 0 ie: shutdown(space)-s(space)-t(space)number zero
3.Name the shortcut "Shut Down PC" or whatever u want
4.The new shortcut is now sitting on your desktop, right click on it and go to properties, then click on "change icon". Click OK, then pick a suitable icon, there is a red "off button" icon available, then click apply and ok.
5.Now drag the icon from your desktop into the quick launch toolbar, resize the toolbar so all the buttons are visible, then delete the shortcut from your desktop

To create a restart button the location line should read shutdown -r -t 0 name it restart pc and give it a suitable icon for restart

Now you can shut down or restart your pc in 1 mouse click without having to go through the startup menu.

Disable Windows Picture and Fax Viewer

To Disable: Start - Run - regsvr32 /u shimgvw.dll
To Re-Enable: Start - Run - regsvr32 shimgvw.dll

Easy way to add a link to the start menu

If you're looking for an easy way to adding your favorite link to the start menu, without editing your registry. Simply copy your favorite link from the 'Favorite'-menu out of Internet Explorer and paste it into the start menu. Done!

Check Disk - Disk Checking Runs Upon Boot

Check Disk runs on every boot: Note - I have seen this happen when Windows File Protection has either been disabled or not allowed to run upon canceling the bootup Check Disk
Go to Start/Run/CMD and type in: fsutil dirty query c:(Modify the drive letter accordingly)
If it comes back as dirty, it hasn't cleared. For more information go to Start/Run/CMD and type in: CHKNTFS /?
Option: From a command prompt type chkntfs /D and then reboot, a chkdsk should run but not again on next boot
This edit does not work for all users, circumstances depending:
Disable or Enable CheckDisk Upon Boot :

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]"SFCScan"=dword:0000001
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager]"AutoChkTimeOut"=dword:0000000a

Copy above text and paste in notepad .You just save them with a .reg extension.
Right click on this file and click on merge.

How to add or change a user's picture in Windows XP?;EN-US;q292434

Enable NUM LOCK key for the logon screen

The status of the NUM LOCK key is specific for each user, and it is disabled by default. If you want the NUM LOCK key enabled for use before a user presses CTRL+ALT+DEL to log on (the logon desktop), you need to edit the registry

To enable NUM LOCK for the Logon desktop (shown when no user is logged on), use the steps below:

1.Click Start, Run and type regedit.exe
2.Navigate to the following location:
HKEY_USERS\.Default\Control Panel\Keyboard
3.Double-click the value InitialKeyboardIndicators
4.Set the value-data from 0 to 2
5.Close Regedit

To undo the above, change the InitialKeyboardIndicators value back to 0

Command Prompt - Quick edit mode

Setting this option allows a user to copy and paste text in the command prompt using mouse actions instead of an edit menu. This option makes the command prompt behave more like it did in Windows 2000.

1. Open the command prompt by either clicking Start, All Programs, Accessories, Command Prompt, or by clicking Start, Run then typing in "cmd" and pressing enter.
2. Click on the C:\ icon in the top left and select Defaults.
3. Place a check in Quick Edit Mode and click OK.

Now you can copy text by highlighting it with the left mouse button then clicking the right mouse button. To paste, click the right mouse button again

Creating a Keyboard Shortcut

1. Right-click a shortcut on the desktop or in the start menu, and then click Properties .

2. On the Shortcut tab, click in the Shortcut Key box.

3. Press the key you want to use. Windows will add Ctrl+Alt to it. So if you choose U the combination will be Ctrl+Alt+U.You can also choose one of the function keys you don't use otherwise, F7 as example. Just one button to click then.

4. Click OK .

Delete Unwanted Screen Savers Loaded w/XP

If anyone else was wondering how to get rid of the annoying Screen Savers that Microsoft feels you have to have with XP they made it a little more difficult than normal.

1. First navigate to “C:\windows\system32\dllcache”. Cut and paste or type in your address bar to get there because it is a hidden folder .
Once there, delete the Screen Savers in that folder . Otherwise, you will find that they will come back no matter how many times you delete them from your system 32 folder.
2. Then you have to go to C: \Windows\system32 and delete the Screen Savers you want to get rid of . (Answer the file protection popups with cancel and yes.)
3. Voila---no more Screen Savers!!!!

Customize Your computer

Get Started Customizing Your Computer

Change Your Desktop Background

Add a Colorful Screen Saver

Work with Themes

Change the Screen Size

Work with Sound Effects

Customize Your Mouse and Pointer

Customize the Start Menu

Microsoft ClearType Tuner: Customize Your Screen for Your Eyes

Accessibility: 80 How-to Articles

Share a Computer with Fast User Switching

Expand Your Workspace with Multiple Monitors and Dualview

DVD - Enable DVD Player in Media Player

This setting allows you to use Microsoft Media Player to Play and Open DVDs
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\Settings. Value Name: EnableDVDUI, Data Type: REG_SZ (String Value), Value Data: yes or no.
Create a new string value called "EnableDVDUI" and set it to "yes" to enable DVD functionality.